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Bulletins & Minutes

Parish Pastoral Council – April 9th, 2024

Members Present: Fr. Jim, Lorie Frink, Judy LeMieux, Ray Radtke, Jon Shamla

Others Present: Sue Koehler, Mary Margaret Sitek, Jay & Jenna Wojciechowski

Fr. Jim led the group in praying “Prayer Before a Meeting.”

The Parish Mission Statement was read by Jon Shamla

The agenda was approved as written with three additions.


Fr. Jim passed copies of an upcoming pilgrimage to Wisconsin Shrines (September 17-19, 2024) at which he will be serving as Spiritual Director.

Old Business

a.     Evangelization/Discipleship:  

Jay and Jenna Wojciechowski spoke to council members providing them information on recent evangelization meetings they attended. They informed the council that discussions took place at these gatherings regarding planning for the future. Parishioners in the diocese will be receiving more information as it becomes available.  Jay and Jenna will attend a diocesan meeting in Amery this spring.

b.     Pictorial Directory: 

Sue Koehler reported to the council that she has received the first draft of our directory and after reviewing the directory for corrections or additions, it will be sent to the printer.  Once this is done, it will take four weeks to receive our directories which will be distributed to those who had their pictures taken (over 130 families) at no cost.  Should anyone want to purchase a directory they will be available for $15.00.  A limited number of books will be available.

c.     Roast Beef Dinner: 

Fr. Jim reported that we served 940 dinners, which includes in-house dining, take-outs, and deliveries.  Fr. Jim thanked Donna Stubbe for chairing this event over the past years.  He also told the council that Jay and Jenna Wojciechowski will serve as dinner chairpersons next year.

d.     AED Update:

Fr. Jim stated that the defibrillator has been installed on the east side of the church below the stairs.  Special thanks to Ernie Harker who completed the installation. 

e.     Other:

Fr. Jim announced that we still owe $23,000 for the Catholic Services Appeal.  This amount will have to be paid with parish funds in June when the campaign concludes for this year.

New Business

a.     Spring/Summer Events:

Some parish community events which are being planned for the spring/summer months include Mass at our Cemetery on Memorial Day, May 27th, followed by breakfast in the parish hall, Mother’s and Father’s Day Breakfasts, and a possible game night.

b.     Spring Sacraments:

On Friday, May 3rd, at Cathedral of Christ the King the Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated.  This is city-wide.  There are 9 students from our parish who will be confirmed by Bishop Powers.  On Sunday, May 5th we will celebrate First Communion in our parish with 6 students participating. 

c.     Other:

On Monday, June 10th, Fr. Jim will be celebrating his 40h Anniversary of Ordination.  We plan to have the evening begin with Mass at 5:00 PM followed by a catered dinner.  Special thanks to Sue Koehler who will chair the event.

Committee Reports

a.     Religious Education Report:

Fr. Jim stated classes will be concluding at the end of April.  A Teacher Appreciation Dinner will take place soon.

b.     Altar Society:

Lorie Frink reported that the group will now meet in the parish hall. 

There are also plans being made for evening meetings for those who work during the day.  New officers were recently selected which includes Kathy Johnson as secretary, and Mary Jo Uhlenkott as vice-president.  Arlene Osterlund will remain in the president’s position. 

c.     Cathedral School: 

Jon Shamla informed the council that a Rummage Sale is planned for May 4th with proceeds going to the Angel Program, which assists families in need. There is information on the school’s website as to what they will accept for the sale.

d.     Liturgy: 

Fr. Jim indicated that Masses are planned through May.  Council agreed our liturgies and decorations for Holy Week were beautiful.  The decorations will remain up until Pentecost Sunday which is May 19th.  Our Easter Collection this year was $18,284.00.  (2023’s Easter Collection was $15,984.00).

Social Action:  

Judy LeMieux reported things have been slow, however, monetary donations and food items continue to be donated.

Building Committee:

Jon Shamla stated the committee has not met recently.  Fr. Jim informed the council that a company from Minneapolis removed over 400 pounds of bat/pigeon feces from the bell tower.  As a result, we will now be able to have our new bell system installed.  Cost of the system was made possible with a $30,000 grant from the City of Superior.  Special thanks to Steve Tarnowski who wrote the grant. 

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 18, 2024 at 4:30 in the Garden Room.

Fr. Jim led the group in praying the Hail Mary.

The meeting closed at 6:30 PM.

Respectfully Submitted

Mary Margaret Sitek

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2316 East Fourth Street

Superior, WI 54880

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8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
8:00 AM - 3:30 PM



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