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Bulletins & Minutes

Parish Pastoral Council – August 9, 2022

Members Present: Fr. Jim, Judy LeMieux, Arlene Osterlund, Ray Radtke,

Jon Shamla, & Michael Woods.

Members Absent (Excused): Lorie Frink

Others Present: Mary Margaret Sitek

Fr. Jim led the group in praying the “Prayer for Meetings.”

The Parish Mission Statement was read by Arlene Osterlund

The agenda was approved as written.

Old Business

a. Catholic Services Appeal: Fr. Jim informed the council that our CSA for the 2021-22 year is paid in full. We currently have a credit of $1,000.00. The new CSA Campaign will begin here in our parish the weekend of September 17-18. Our new assessment for the 2022-2023 year is $60,490.00. This is $7,000.00 more than last year. All parishes will see an increase.

b. Pictorial Directory: Arlene reminded council members the photographer will be here November 15-19. Council agreed. Members noted that there is a need to advertise for this upcoming event. It was also noted that a brochure mailed with the parish bulletin would be an excellent way to notify parishioners of the event. Arlene stated that there have been several pictures already taken.

c. Synod Response: Council members briefly discussed the Synod on Synodality. Fr. Jim stated the report from our diocese was sent to Washington, DC. The US Bishops will be meeting in November. A final report will be sent to Rome. Eventually, the final report will be shared with our diocese.

d. Covid Discussion: Michael Woods asked for council input on the current status of Covid. Fr. Jim noted that we continue to have the following in effect: masks are optional for the congregation, not using the common cup yet and still requiring masks for those participating in celebration of the liturgies.

New Business

a. Fall Picnic/Volunteer Dinner: Fr. Jim informed the council that Ernie Harker will once again be our chef for the picnic to be held on Sunday, October 9th, following 10:30 Mass. There will be brats, hamburgers, hotdogs, chips, pop, and water provided by the parish. Those attending are asked to bring a dish to pass. There will be a pumpkin hunt for the children as well as Bingo for those who wish to play in the Garden Room. The Annual Volunteer Dinner will be held on Tuesday, November 9th, beginning with Mass at 5 PM. A catered turkey dinner will be served. Reservations will be required.

b. Future of Religious Education: Fr. Jim distributed copies of the minutes of a recent joint meeting of the Parish Council and the education staff. It was the overall opinion of all present to opt for Model #2 which includes: Grades K-5 All of the grades have returning teachers. Fr. Jim will contact Donna Stubbe and ask if she would consider serving as a part-time coordinator. Classes will be held at St. Francis; Grades 6-11 will join the Cathedral Cluster on Wednesday evenings. Fr. Andrew agreed to the arrangement.

c. Fund Raiser for the Anderson Family: Ray Radtke stated that he and Lesa had an idea for a Benefit Bake Sale on August 28th. Plans are being made for this event.

Committee Reports

Altar Society: Arlene Osterlund stated the “This N’ That” sale is scheduled for September 9-10. Items may be dropped off at the parish hall on September 6, 7, 8 from 9 AM to 4 PM. Volunteers are especially needed in the late afternoon on September 10th to pack up. The groups first meeting will be Thursday, September 1st at 1 PM in the Garden Room.

Cathedral School: Jon Shamla informed the council that the first School Advisory Board Meeting will be held next week. There is still an opening for a Middle School Social Studies Teacher and a hot lunch coordinator.

Liturgy: Fr. Jim noted all liturgies are planned through the month of September. It was also noted that our new Missalettes have been delayed and should be here soon. The readings can be found in the blue Gather Books.

Social Action: Judy LeMieux reported they continue their work in the food shelf. Monetary donations continue to come in. Judy stated that they will be using some food shelf donations to purchase items for the Thanksgiving Baskets which will be distributed in November.

Building Committee: Jon Shamla noted the committee has not met but he hopes to do an in-house walk-thru with members of the committee this fall. Fr. Jim informed the council that work on the front steps should begin this month.

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 6th, 2022 at 4:30 in the Garden Room.

Fr. Jim led the group in praying the Hail Mary.

The meeting closed at 6:30 PM.

Respectfully Submitted

Mary Margaret Sitek

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