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Bulletins & Minutes

Parish Pastoral Council – January 11th, 2023

Members Present: Fr. Jim, Lorie Frink, Judy LeMieux, Arlene Osterlund, Jon Shamla

Members Absent/Excused): Michael Woods

Others Present: Gail Erdman, Mary Margaret Sitek

Fr. Jim read a reading from St. Paul to the Corinthians as the opening prayer.

The agenda was approved as written. The Parish Mission Statement was read by Jon Shamla.

Old Business

a. Parish Directory:

Gail Erdman reported that with the approval of Fr. Jim and due to COVID the photo portraits for the parish directory will be taken in May. Council members agreed.

b. Catholic Services Appeal:

Fr. Jim distributed information on the latest report for our parish. We have a remaining balance about $15,000. Steve Tarnowski will send reminders during Lent to those who have yet to fulfill their pledge.

c. Cemetery:

Fr. Jim stated he has not had any new correspondence from the city concerning the cemetery land. Sales for Columbarium units continue.

d. Covid:

A discussion was held initiated by Fr. Jim asking the council’s opinions and input on how our parish is handling the virus. All were in agreement that our current practices are very good. It was also noted that more people are wearing masks.

New Business

a. Review of Christmas:

Fr. Jim thanked all who were a part of our beautiful Christmas Liturgies – the musicians, the ministers and the decorating committee. All agreed it was a beautiful Christmas Season. There were 30 children who participated in the Live Nativity at the 4:00 Mass on Christmas Eve. There were approximately 700 people who attended the Christmas Liturgies. Fr. Jim stated the wonderful generosity of our parishioners. The Christmas Collection was $66,486.

b. Winter Activities:

As we consider the current status of Covid, it is difficult to plan events. However, we are hopeful to have our Roast Beef Dinner on Palm Sunday, April 10th. We may have in-house dining. This will be decided as the event draws closer. The Salad Bar Luncheon, normally held in February has been cancelled. However, every registered parish family has received their booklet of raffle tickets. Fr. Jim will draw the winning tickets on February 11th for a lot of great prizes. It was brought up to hold a Mardi Gras Pizza Celebration prior to Ash Wednesday, however, that, too, will depend on Covid.

Committee Reports

Religious Education: Fr. Jim stated the Sacrament of First Penance was celebrated and will be followed by the Sacrament of First Eucharist on May 2nd. Confirmation is planned for May 6th at Cathedral. Ray Radtke reported that the Confirmation Class raised $800.00 in their Pennies from Heaven Collection at just two Masses. The money was used to purchase gifts for residents of nursing homes and monies left over were used to sponsor two veterans. A nun from the College of St. Scholastica will conduct a retreat for our confirmation candidates on February 12th.

Altar Society: Gail Edman, co-vice-president, reported that the Annual Cookie Stroll/Christmas Decoration Sale netted $3,314.50. There were 15 banquet tables filled with a beautiful variety of cookies. Currently the society has a total balance in both savings and checking accounts of $8,446.93. The group will meet on February 3rd at which time they will determine how much they will contribute to the parish heating costs.

Cathedral School: Jon Shamla informed the council that the school is following all CDC Guidelines for Covid. He also stated that Catholic Schools Week begins January 30 through February 6th.

Liturgy: Fr. Jim thanked the committee for their beautiful Christmas decorations in the church. Masses are planned through Easter Sunday. Fr. Jim indicated that we are not allowed to offer general absolution services so he plans to add extra days and times for private confession during Lent. The RCIA program will be announced in our upcoming bulletins to see if there is interest from any adults to participate.

Social Action: Arlene reported that the ladies continue to keep our food shelf in beautiful condition. She thanked Janet Walroos, Nancy Lund and Judy LeMieux for their continuing assistance. There were 15 Thanksgiving Baskets donated and 6 Christmas Baskets distributed.

Building Committee: Jon Shamla he is hoping to schedule a walk-thru of our parish facility soon. He stated the committee of four, Jon Shamla, Ernie Harker, Scott Myers and Jon will do it to see anything that may be needed in maintenance of the church, parish hall, offices and rectory.

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 8, 2022 at 4:30 in the Garden Room.

The meeting closed with prayer at 5:45 PM.

Respectfully Submitted

Mary Margaret Sitek

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