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Bulletins & Minutes

Parish Pastoral Council – JULY 27, 2021

Members Present: Fr. Jim, Shannon Ilenda, Arlene Osterlund, Pete Raboin, Jon Shamla and

Michael Woods.

Members Absent/Excused: Lorie Frink

Others Present: Gail Erdman, Sue Koehler, Mary Margaret Sitek

Fr. Jim led the council in praying Psalm 78.

The agenda was approved as written.

The Parish Mission Statement was read by Arlene Osterlund.

Correspondence: Fr. Jim distributed copies of a statement from Dan Blank, Director of Administrative Services for the diocese, regarding an update on the state of Wisconsin Attorney General’s clergy abuse review. Fr. Jim further stated that our diocese takes the abuse of minors very seriously, and as of the current date, the Diocese of Superior is not aware of any new reports or allegations against anyone in our diocese.

Old Business

a. CSA Update – 2020-21:

Fr. Jim distributed copies of the current status report indicating we have a credit of $1800.00. The parish paid $13,000. There are still payments on pledges coming in. The $1800.00 will be used toward the 2021-22 assessment. The new CSA Campaign begins the weekend of September 18-19, 2021.

b. Parish Directory:

Sue Koehler and Gail Erdman presented a very detailed report on the upcoming publication of a new St. Francis Parish Directory. Pictures will be taken in November. A brochure outlining all the details will be mailed to all registered parish families. Fr. Jim and the council thanked Sue and Gail for their continuing efforts to see this project completed.

c. Parish Activities:

Fr. Jim noted several upcoming social events happening in our parish. They include the Ice Cream Social on August 14th, Parish Picnic on September 19th, “Trunk or Treat” on October 29th, Chili Cook-Off on October 30th, Appreciation Dinner on November 9th and the Altar Society Cookie Stroll on December 11th. Details for all of these events will be published in our semi-weekly bulletins. Fr. Jim would also like to host a “Welcome” to new parishioners the 2-4th weekends of September. Volunteers will be available in the back of church to assist with registrations and provide information about our parish.

New Business

a. Parish Bulletins:

Fr. Jim opened a discussion asking for input from the council concerning the semi-monthly bulletins that are mailed to all registered parishioners. Several parish members have mentioned they appreciate the bulletins being mailed. Council agreed this practice should be continued. There will be a few extra bulletins in the church for visitors.

b. Cemetery Land:

Fr. Jim informed the council that he has been working with the city of Superior and he has written a letter to the Wisconsin Historical Society Preservation Board indicating that the native lands near the St. Francis Cemetery be transferred to the Ojibwe Band. He also informed the council that a Columbarium is on order for the cemetery and should be in place this fall. Plans are to have a cement circle around the Columbarium, with some shrubbery and benches.

Committee Reports

Religious Education: Dwane Anderson will return on September 1st as Coordinator of Religious Education and classes will begin in October.

Altar Society: Sue Koehler, president, stated that a full year of activities are planned, including the “This N That” Sale, Cookie Stroll, etc. Information on events will be in the parish bulletin.

Cathedral School: Jon Shamla indicated that registration is currently open for all grades.

Liturgy: Fr. Jim noted that the holy water fonts are now being used and plans are to have the missalettes and Gather song books in the pews in mid-August. Masses are planned through the month of November. We will once again have out church beautifully decorated for the fall season. He also mentioned that we will begin using ministers – readers, servers, candle bearer, communion ministers and ushers the second week of September. There will not be an offertory procession at that time. Volunteers are always needed to fill any of these ministries. Fr. Jim encourages parishioners to call the parish office to assist our parish family in some ministry role.

Social Action: Arlene reported things in our food shelf are going very well. Special thanks to Janet Walroos who is here every week to check, sort and arrange the items in the food shelf. Parishioners are very generous in their donations of gift cards as well as non-perishable food items.

Building Committee: Jon Shamla stated the committee met on July 26th. Discussions took place on some of the following items: Installing wi-fi in the classrooms, installing a railing to the lectern, and informed the council that Calco Painting is under contract to do some touch up painting in the sanctuary area, stencil the ceiling stars, and replace the glazing around the stain glass windows in the church. It was noted that Ernie, the custodian, has installed a railing at the office entrance door which is much appreciated by those who use that entrance.

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 21, 2021 at 4:30 PM.

The meeting closed at 6:00 PM with The Hail Mary.

Respectfully Submitted

Mary Margaret Sitek

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8:00 AM - 3:30 PM



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