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Bulletins & Minutes

Parish Pastoral Council – June 25th, 2024

Members Present: Fr. Jim, Lorie Frink, Judy LeMieux, Arlene Osterlund. Ray Radtke,

Michael Woods 

Absent/Excused: Jon Shamla

Others Present: Mary Margaret Sitek

Fr. Jim led the group in an opening prayer.

The Parish Mission Statement was read by Arlene Osterlund.

The agenda was approved as written.


No correspondence.

Old Business

a.    Evangelization/Discipleship:  

Fr. Jim informed the council that Jenna and Jay Wojciechowski attended a diocesan meeting in Amery recently.  He also told the council members that members of the committee are researching Bible Study Programs.  Fr. Jim also stated he would like to have Adoration for an hour with Benediction, once a month following the 10:30 Mass.

b.    Parish Directories:

Fr. Jim read a report from Sue Koehler stating that pictures were taken on November 14th through the 18th.  134 families participated.  There are still 30 families who will pick up their directories at the parish office.  Extra directories will sell for $15 after everyone who had their picture taken receive theirs.

c.    Fr. Jim’s 40th Anniversary: 

Council members all agreed it was a wonderful celebration.  There were over 200 guests, the liturgy was beautiful, and the turkey dinner was delicious.  Fr. Jim expressed his thanks to everyone who organized the event as well as those who attended.

d.   Review of Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, and Memorial Day Brunches:

Arlene and Lorie reported that all the events were well attended (over 100 for Mother’s and Father’s Day and 40 for Memorial Day.)  They stated they had excellent volunteers for all the meals.

New Business

a.    Summer Activities:

The Annual Ice Cream Social is being planned for Saturday, August 17th following the 4:00 Mass.  Other possible events which were discussed were a parish picnic, game night, and a movie night.  Councilors discussed the possibility of having the picnic in the parish hall which would be more convenient for setup, etc.

b.    Knights of Columbus Update:

Fr. Jim said Bob Benson, a KC member from our parish, recently dropped off a $1,000.00 donation from the council.  This donation will be used towards our new bells project. Bob told Fr. Jim that the KC’s are willing to help with projects or events in our parish.  Arlene noted she will keep that in mind when she is calling for various volunteers.

c.    Mass Stipends:

Fr. Jim stated that the Bishops of Wisconsin have issued a policy that beginning July 1, 2024, stipends for Masses will be raised to $20.00. 

Committee Reports

a.    Religious Education Report:

Fr. Jim indicated that Donna Stubbe will be returning as Coordinator of our Religious Education Program.  She is working on the calendar for the program which begins in October. 

b.    Altar Society:

The group will resume their meetings in September.  At that time the new officers will be installed.  There is currently $926 in the checking account.  Their next activity will be the This N” That Sale planned for September 6-7.

c.    Cathedral School: 

No report.

d.   Liturgy: 

Fr. Jim indicated that Masses are planned through August.  He also informed the council that Shawne Sass has returned as organist following his surgery.  We continue to keep Shawne in our prayers.

e.    Social Action:

Judy LeMieux stated that things are going well with the St. Francis Food Shelf.  She and her sister, Nancy Lund, continue to shop as items are needed.  Monetary donations, which are used to shop,  are always welcome

Building Committee:

No report. The committee will meet in August.

Fr. Jim led the group in praying the Our Father.

The meeting closed at 5:45 PM.

Respectfully Submitted

Mary Margaret Sitek

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8:00 AM - 3:30 PM



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