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Bulletins & Minutes

Parish Pastoral Council – March 7th, 2023

Members Present: Fr. Jim, Lorie Frink, Judy LeMieux, Arlene Osterlund, Ray Radtke,

Jon Shamla

Members Absent/Excused): Michael Woods

Others Present: Mary Margaret Sitek

Fr. Jim led the council in praying a St. Patrick’s Day Prayer.

The Parish Mission Statement was read by Ray Radtke.

The agenda was approved with one addition under new business, Evangelization Team.

Old Business

a. Catholic Services Appeal:

Fr. Jim stated that our goal has been reached. There are still $1,994.00 in outstanding pledges. The parish paid $15,000.00 from parish funds.

b. Lenten Activities:

Fr. Jim distributed the Lenten/Holy Week Calendar to councilors. He noted that attendance at Ash Wednesday, despite the storm, was good. Fr. Jim noted each event on the calendar which include our Lenten Retreat on Sunday, March 19th. The day will include Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, evening prayer and Benediction. A soup and sandwich supper will follow.

c. Mardi Gras:

Arlene stated approximately 40 people attended. Everyone enjoyed the pizza, dessert and prizes as well as the fellowship. Fr. Jim noted the decorations were very nice.

New Business

a. Spring Events and Holy Week/Easter:

Some of the upcoming spring events include the annual Roast Beef Dinner on Palm Sunday, Sacrament of Confirmation with Bishop Powers on May 5th here at St. Francis with a reception to follow. First Communion is planned for Sunday, May 7th. On Sunday, May 14th, we will have the Crowning of Mary, a reception for the first communicants and a Mother’s Day Brunch. Our Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday, April 2nd and concludes on Easter Sunday, April 9th. There are tentatively three people who will be joining the church at the Easter Vigil. Ministers for Holy Week are being scheduled. Fr. Jim stated we are hoping to offer the washing of the feet on Holy Thursday.

b. Evangelization Team:

Recently a new program has been formed in our diocese – “Maintenance to Mission.” Fr. Jim briefly discussed the program. Initially, the priests began the program, followed by the deacons and this spring/summer it will be introduced to parishioners throughout the diocese. The hope is to involve lay people through prayer in order to reach out to where people are. Each parish will be asked to form a local Evangelization Team.

Committee Reports

a. Religious Education Report:

Fr. Jim stated the students are on a two week break now so there will not be classes. He also indicated that the volunteer teachers were honored with a dinner at the Hammond Steak House in January. The children and teachers are preparing for First Communion. Students will distribute prayer cards to St. Patrick this weekend.

b. Altar Society:

The annual Salad Bar Luncheon was again a well-attended event. The Altar Society donated the raffle profit of $1,866.00 to the church. The final meeting is planned for May 4th beginning with Mass at noon followed by pot luck lunch and brief meeting.

c. Cathedral School:

Jon Shamla noted that the school is selling baked goods at the St. Anthony Fish Fries every Friday during Lent. All are welcome to donate baked goods or help with the sale

d. Liturgy:

Fr. Jim indicated that Masses are planned through the month of June. Our church will again be decorated for all our Holy Week Celebrations.

e. Social Action: Judy LeMieux reported that she and Nancy Lund shop for food shelf items with cash donations and gift cards. Announcements are placed in the bulletin for donations of gift cards from Super One, Aldi, and Cub Foods. There will be an opportunity for those attending the Roast Beef Dinner to win Super One Gift Card by bringing a donation of a non-perishable food item for the food shelf.

f. Building Committee: Jon Shamla noted the committee has not met recently but he is preparing a report for committee members which they should receive soon.

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 9th at 4:30 in the Garden Room.

Fr. Jim led the group in praying the Hail Mary.

The meeting closed at 5:45 PM.

Respectfully Submitted

Mary Margaret Sitek

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