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Bulletins & Minutes

Parish Pastoral Council – March 9th, 2021

Members Present: Fr. Jim, Lorie Frink, Shannon Ilenda, Arlene Osterlund,

Jon Shamla and Michael Woods.

Members Absent/Excused: Pete Raboin

Others Present: Sue Koehler, Mary Margaret Sitek

Fr. Jim led the council in portions of Psalm 19.

The agenda was approved as written.

The Parish Mission Statement was read by Arlene Osterlund.

Correspondence: Fr. Jim distributed a listing of Parish Council & Finance Council Members. (addresses and telephone numbers).

Covid Discussion: A brief discussion took place. A majority of the members have had their vaccinations and reported little if no discomfort following.

Old Business

a. “A Healthy Parish” A New Springtime Revisited

Fr. Jim stated that there is no action on the diocesan level in reference to the “New Springtime.”

The diocese is continuing to hopefully welcome two priests from India and one priest from Africa. Immigration regulations are currently at a standstill due to the Covid virus.

b. CSA Update/” Raise Us Up” 2019-20 and 2020/21.

Fr. Jim distributed copies of the current status of our CSA Pledges as well as an update on the elevator project. We currently have $12,313.00 remaining to raise for the Catholic Services Appeal. Steve Tarnowski will be sending reminder notices during Lent to those who have yet to fulfill their pledges.

The “Raise Us Up” Campaign has a balance of $5,389.00 due on pledges. A final reminder has been sent to those who have not fulfilled their pledges.

New Business

a. Roast Beef Dinner Plans:

The dinner, being planned for Palm Sunday, March 28th from 11-4, will be a home delivery or “take-out” only event this year. Donna Stubbe, chairperson of the dinner, is planning on 500 dinners. No tickets have been sent as it is a first come-first serve basis. Cost is $10 for adults and $5 for children. Parishioners are invited to sign up for a delivery in the gathering space of the church or by calling the parish office.

b. Holy Week/Easter Planning:

Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday, March 27-28 and continues through Easter Sunday, April 3-4. Due to the pandemic Holy Week liturgies will be somewhat different this year. Palms will be handed out by the ushers as the congregation leaves the church, there will be no processions, no washing of feet, etc. We will distribute bread following the Holy Thursday liturgy. Special thanks to the Altar Society for the bread. We have added an additional Mass to Easter Sunday at 7 AM along with the usual 9 AM and 10:30 AM Masses. We have two candidates receiving the Sacraments of Initiation at the Easter Vigil. We also plan to re-set the roping in the church making every other pew available for Mass attendance

c. Spring Sacraments

Fr. Jim informed the council that First Communion is planned for May 2nd at the 10:30 Mass. We have six children in the class. It is hopeful that a May Crowning and reception for the communicants can be held the following Sunday, May 9th. Religious Ed staff is hoping an outdoor reception will be possible. City-wide Confirmation will take place at St. Francis on Friday, May 7th at 7 PM. There are 28 students being confirmed from parishes throughout the city of Superior as well as students from outlying areas.

Committee Reports

Religious Education: Dwane Anderson, our new Coordinator of Religious Education, is very busy involving teachers in positive ways, planning for next year, meeting with parents as well as other duties involved in his position. The original calendar is being followed.

Altar Society: Sue Koehler stated that the Altar Society has not met, nor have they held any of their activities. Even though the Annual Salad Bar did not take place, raffle tickets were sent to all registered parishioners. The winning tickets were drawn by Fr. Jim on February 4th. Winners were announced in the bulletin. The profit from the raffle was $1,881.00 and was given to the parish. A meeting is scheduled for Thursday, April 1st at 1 PM in the parish hall. The terms for the 2 co-vice presidents and the treasurer are ending. The ladies will be serving breakfast for the Priest Assembly on March 23. The group is hopeful to have their “This N’ That” Sale in the fall. They are also planning a No-Bake Sale for sometime in May. The final meeting will be on Thursday, May 6th beginning with Mass at 12:30.

Cathedral School: Jon Shamla indicated that the virus has been present in the school, but very minimal. There were 8 students and 3 staff members who tested positive. All is well now. Registration for the Preschool and Grades K-8 has begun. The students earned over $13,000 during the Read-A-Thon. Spring Break will be held March 15-19.

Stewardship: Michael Woods stated the committee has not met; however, a virtual meeting is planned soon. The Stewardship Fair is currently on hold. Fr. Jim felt it would be great to have a “Welcoming Back” Celebration when the community is safe from the virus. Council members agreed.

Liturgy: Masses are planned through April. Fr. Jim also stated that the Confirmation liturgy is also being planned. The Liturgy Committee will again decorate our church for each special liturgy during Holy Week.

Social Action: Arlene reported things in our food shelf are going very well. We recently received a very generous donation of food from the Cathedral Students.

Education: No report.

Building Committee: Jon Shamla reported the committee had met and a variety of items was discussed. The committee will plan to meet quarterly (unless there is a need to meet for a specific project) to identify maintenance needs and set priorities.

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 25, 2021 at 4:30 PM.

The meeting closed at 5:30 PM with The Glory Be.

Respectfully Submitted

Mary Margaret Sitek

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2316 East Fourth Street

Superior, WI 54880

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Monday -Thursday
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
8:00 AM - 3:30 PM



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