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Bulletins & Minutes

Parish Pastoral Council – MAY 25th, 2021

Members Present: Fr. Jim, Lorie Frink, Arlene Osterlund, Pete Raboin, Jon Shamla and

Michael Woods.

Members Absent/Excused: Shannon Ilenda

Others Present: Sue Koehler, Mary Margaret Sitek

Fr. Jim read a reading from Feast of Pentecost. The reading from I Corinthians spoke of serving God.

The agenda was approved as written.

The Parish Mission Statement was read by Pete Raboin.

Old Business

a. “A Healthy Parish” A New Springtime Revisited:

Fr. Jim stated that there is no action on the diocesan level in reference to the “New Springtime.”

A new director has been appointed to head the Evangelization Office for the diocese.

b. CSA Update/” Raise Us Up” 2020/21:

Fr. Jim distributed copies of the current status of our CSA Pledges as well as an update on the elevator project. We currently have $12,145.00 remaining to raise for the Catholic Services Appeal. The “Raise Us Up” Campaign, for a total of $459,695 has been paid in full. There were some who did not fulfill their pledge. However, two parishioners generously paid off the remaining balance of $5,389.

c. Roast Beef Dinner Review:

Fr. Jim reported there were 510 take-out meals and 35 home deliveries. Special thanks to Donna Stubbe for her excellent organization in spite of the unusual circumstances. Michael commented he felt the dinner was a huge success.

d. Holy Week/Easter:

Fr. Jim stated another beautiful Holy Week was celebrated in our parish. We were able to hold all services practicing social distancing. Council members commented on the beautiful service on Holy Saturday which proved to be very warm evening. Fr. Jim thanked the liturgy committee for their beautiful music, decorations and overall making our Holy Week so special.

New Business

a. Stewardship Committee/Fall Gathering:

A discussion took place regarding some of the many possible parish activities that we hope to celebrate this fall. Some of these included Chili Cook-Off, Parish Picnic, Ice Cream Social, Stewardship Fair, as well as any other events parishioners would suggest to the council. The subject of having another parish directory printed was discussed. The last we did was in 2010. Sue Koehler volunteered to check into it for the council.

b. Mask Requirements:

Fr. Jim indicated he recently received a memo from Bishop Powers which stated that masks are no longer mandatory, however, out of charity to our fellow parishioners’ masks are encouraged. We will continue social distancing. The ropes have been removed and we will clean pews following Masses for one more weekend. Fr. Jim also indicated that he will return to the confessional in church for Saturday confessions. He also stated that lunches may now be served, however, not buffet style. Individuals must be served by ladies of the parish or the caterer. Sue Koehler stated that Irene Hudacek will now be in charge of funeral lunches for the Altar Society. Practices will be slowly re-introduced as Bishop allows.

Committee Reports

Religious Education: Dwane Anderson submitted a report indicating that classes have now ended for the year. The sacraments of First Communion and Confirmation went very well. He stated that some of the religious education staff are asking about internet in the classrooms. Dwane plans to do some research on the possibility of this. Fr. Jim also asked Jon Shamla, as chair of the Building Committee, to assist Dwane in this matter.

Altar Society: Sue Koehler stated that the Altar Society held their final meeting on May 6 which included a Mass, luncheon, brief meeting and the annual baby shower. A large collection of infant clothing was donated and Janet Walroos and Marilee Culliton distributed it to local shelters. The ladies will begin their season on September 2nd. Some of their upcoming activities include “This N That” Sale September 10-11, Cookie Stroll December 11th, and Salad Bar Luncheon on February 12. These are the groups most profitable fund raisers. Recently a “No-Bake” sale collection was held and thus far over $1,000 has been donated. Sue mentioned she is going to ask Sylvia Steen to create a Mission Statement for the Society.

Cathedral School: Jon Shamla indicated registration for grades K-8 is ongoing. Two classrooms will be re-done this summer at a cost of $25,000 per classroom. Eighth grade graduation is planned for June 3rd and the last day of school is June 4th.

Liturgy: Masses are planned through July. Decorations for the summer will be simple.

Social Action: Arlene reported things in our food shelf are going very well. Parishioners are very generous in their donations of gift cards as well as non-perishable food items.

Education: No report.

Building Committee: Jon Shamla distributed copies of the meeting notes from the committee who met on March 2, 2021. The notes included the purpose of the committee, structure of the committee and discussion of initial ideas and needs.

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 27, 2021 at 4:30 PM.

The meeting closed at 5:45 PM with The Hail Mary.

Respectfully Submitted

Mary Margaret Sitek

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