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Bulletins & Minutes

Parish Pastoral Council – May 31, 2022

Updated: Jun 4, 2022

Members Present: Fr. Jim, Lorie Frink, Arlene Osterlund, Ray Radtke, Jon Shamla, & Michael Woods.

Members Absent (Excused): Judy LeMieux

Others Present: Mary Margaret Sitek

The council shared the Sequence Prayer for Pentecost.

The Parish Mission Statement was read by Ray Radtke.

The agenda was approved with one addition under old business – Cemetery Update.

Correspondence: Fr. Jim read a letter from Xaverian Missionaries regarding a visit to our parish from Fr. Hery Junianto the weekend of August 20-21, 2022. He will speak at all Masses. Parishioners will receive an envelope with their bulletins to donate to Xavierian Missions.

Old Business

a. Catholic Services Appeal:

Fr. Jim informed the council that our CSA for the 2021-22 year is paid in full. It was necessary to use $15,000 from our parish funds to pay the remaining balance. We currently have approximately $1,000 credit which will be used toward the new 2022-23 Assessment.

b. Holy Week/Easter Review:

Fr. Jim noted that our Annual Roast Beef Dinner was a huge success. Over 800 dinners were served in-house, deliveries and take-outs. Council members agreed the environment for the entire Holy Week was beautiful as well as all of the other services. Fr Jim thanked all who participated in any way to make our Holy Week so special.

c. Feast of Corpus Christi:

Fr. Jim informed the council that the bishop is requiring all parishes in our diocese to have a Eucharistic Procession on the Feast of Corpus Christi, June 19, 2022. Fr. stated that following 10:30 Mass on that day a procession (around the church block) will take place. Michael Woods agreed to carry the large gold cross at the head of the procession. Since this is also Father’s Day a breakfast will be served following both Masses.

d. Cemetery Update:

Fr. Jim stated that he and Rick Davern met with Jason Serck, City Planner, and things are moving smoothly toward the land transfers.It is hopeful that the official transfer will take place at a ceremony in August.A walking path from the road to the Native American burial grounds will be installed by the Native Community.

New Business

a. Spring/Summer Parish Activities:

Council noted that some of the upcoming activities include Fr. Jim’s 38th Anniversary of Ordination on Friday, June 10th. Mass will be at 9 AM followed by a small reception in the parish hall; Feast of Corpus Christi and Father’s Day, June 19th and the Ice Cream Social on Saturday, August 13th following 4:00 Mass.

b. Memorial Day Mass/Annual Cemetery Appeal:

Due to the weather, Mass was held in Church with approximately 50 people attending. Breakfast was served following Mass. Fr. Jim thank Jim Plunkett for his excellent care of our cemetery and he also expressed his gratitude to those who donate to the annual appeal.

Committee Reports

Religious Education: Fr. Jim stated that First Communion and Confirmation took place and classes have ended for the year. Fr Jim plans to meet with the parish council and the teachers in July to discuss the future of the religious education program.

Altar Society: Arlene Osterlund, new co-president with Gail Erdman, reported the ladies met for their final meeting in May. Meetings will resume in September. Some of their planned upcoming activities include the “This N’That” Sale in September and the Annual Cookie Stroll in December.

Cathedral School: Jon Shamla informed the council the school board met recently and there are concerns with staffing for the 2022-23 school year. There are openings for Pre-K, kindergarten, studies and band. Interested individuals should contact the school office at 715-392-2976.

Liturgy: Fr. Jim noted all liturgies are planned through the month of July. Fr. Jim is hoping the choir could resume leading the singing at our 10:30 Masses in October.

Social Action: Arlene Osterlund requested that since Judy LeMieux, a council member and one of the volunteers in the food shelf, could report for the Social Action Committee in the future. Council agreed. Arlene will report for the Altar Society at each meeting. The committee is hopeful that a new policy could be put in place which would be discontinuing accepting of non-perishable food items and rather asking for cash donations or gift cards. The committee would then shop for the items needed for the food shelf and would eliminate having to discard donated items which are out-of-date.

Building Committee: Jon Shamla noted the committee has not met but he hopes to do an in-house walk-thru with members of the committee.

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 9th, 2022 at 4:30 in the Garden Room.

Fr. Jim led the group in praying the Hail Mary.

The meeting closed with the Hail Mary at 6:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted

Mary Margaret Sitek

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