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Bulletins & Minutes

Parish Pastoral Council Minutes - August 18, 2020

Members Present: Fr. Jim, Lorie Frink, Shannon Ilenda, Arlene Osterlund, Pete Raboin,

Jon Shamla and Michael Woods.

Others Present: Mary Margaret Sitek & Ernie Swartz

Fr. Jim shared Psalm 23.

The agenda was approved as written.

The Parish Mission Statement was read by Michael Woods.

Correspondence: Jon Shamla stated that he has had requests for more handicapped areas for parking. He feels perhaps in the future but at this time the requests will be on hold.

Old Business:

a. “A Healthy Parish”/A New Springtime Revisited

Fr. Jim informed the council that the diocese was to get two International priests, however, with the COVID-19, these men have been unable to travel. In the upcoming 6 months we have two Franciscan priests who are going to return to their order, as well as retirements. We have Fr. Ron Olson and Fr. Lee Flaherty in Superior who are still offering Masses when they are able. Realistically speaking the city of Superior has just two pastors – Fr. Jim and Fr. Andrew. Fr. Jim continues to keep records of Mass attendance these figures were given to council members. Michael commented that the precautionary methods we are using in our parish church and parish buildings are well received. He also asked if the ways we are keeping our parish facilities could be re-run in the bulletin. Fr. Jim agreed and feels this is a good idea.

b. CSA Update 2019-20 and 2020/21

Fr. Jim distributed copies of the current status of our CSA Pledges. We have fulfilled our goal for 2019/20. We did contribute some parish funds earlier this year. Our new goal for 2020/21 is $50,838 which is a little over $500 less than the previous year. The annual appeal will take place in our parish the weekend of September 19-20, 2020.

c. Stewardship Fair

Plans were being made for an event in May but due to the virus it is on hold. The committee has not met.

New Business:

a. Terms of Office

Fr. Jim indicated that terms of office for Lorie Frink, Shannon Ilenda and Pete Raboin were to be completed in October. Fr. Jim asked all members if they would consider remaining on the council for an additional year. All three members agreed. So, the terms of office are October, 2021 for these three members and January, 2023 for Arlene Osterlund and Michael Woods. Fr. Jim thanked the council for their support.

b. Fall Planning

At this time there are no plans being made. Once the virus has passed thee council hopes to renew all parish activities.

Committee Reports:

Religious Education Ernie Swartz reported to the council that as of right now, plans for religious education classes are on hold until September. He will be attending a conference next weekend, sponsored by the diocese, with the main theme being virtual teaching religious education classes. Ernie also stated that he has been informed that several of the teachers from last year are not returning.

Altar Society Sue Koehler was not able to be here however she did report by telephone that the group will hold their first meeting on Thursday, September 3rd at 1 PM in the parish hall where all social distancing will take place and masks will be required. The ladies are hoping to resume their many activities (cookie stroll, bread baking, etc.) soon.

Cathedral School Jon Shamla stated that plans as of now are to open school on an in-person basis. Classrooms will be prepared for social distancing and masks will be worn.

Stewardship Michael Woods, chairman of the committee, stated he did not have a report since they have not met. Bulletin announcements will continue concerning the committee’s recent survey.

Evangelization No Report.

Liturgy Masses are planned through October. Fr. Jim indicated he is very pleased that all of our musicians have returned and are providing music for our Masses.

Social Action Parishioners have been very generous providing cash donations and gift cards. There have been fewer calls for food which is probably due to the virus.

Education No Report.

Building Committee No Report.

The Parish Pastoral Council will meet on Tuesday, October 27, 2020 at 4:30 PM in the Garden Room. If there is a need to meet in the parish hall as was done today it will be noted on your agenda.

Meeting closed at 5:30 PM with the Hail Mary.

Respectfully Submitted:

Mary Margaret Sitek

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