Members Present: Fr. Jim, Lorie Frink, Shannon Ilenda, Arlene Osterlund, Pete Raboin, Jon Shamla and Michael Woods.
Others Present: Dan Blank, Sue Koehler, Mary Margaret Sitek, Ernie Swartz
Fr. Jim led the members in an Advent Prayer.
The agenda was approved as written.
Correspondence: Michael Woods made note of the KC Newsletter he received and how well it was done.
The Parish Mission Statement was read by Shannon Ilenda.
Old Business:
a. Advent Retreat
Fr. Jim reminded council members of the Advent Retreat planned for this Sunday, December 8th beginning at 5:30 PM. Due to last weekend’s snowstorm registrations will still be taken. Fr. Inna will be the guest speaker.
b. “A Healthy Parish” / Survey/New Springtime Revisited
A brief discussion took place in regards to plans throughout the diocese to conduct deanery meetings. Planning for these meetings will begin early 2020.
c. CSA Update 2019/2020
Fr. Jim informed the council that this year’s goal is $51,346. Thus far we have payments/pledges totaling approximately 30,000 which represent pledges from 120 families. Fr. Jim noted that we all need to support our diocese in this campaign.
New Business:
a. Christmas Schedule
Our Christmas Masses are Christmas Eve 4:00/5:30 PM and Christmas Day at midnight and 10:30 AM. Fr. Jim asked the council their opinion on changing the midnight Mass to 10:00 PM beginning next year. After a brief discussion Fr. Jim asked council members to consult with parishioners to see what their opinions are. The change would not be made until next year if a decision is made to change the time.
b. New Sound System
Recently, with the assistance of Steve Tarnowski, Dad’s of Duluth installed new sound systems in the church and in the parish hall. Total cost was $3,000. It was noted that the Altar Society Annual Raffle proceeds will be given to the parish to pay for it.
Committee Reports:
Religious Education – Ernie Swartz reported two youth Masses have been held as well as a food drive at which a large amount of food was received for our food shelf. Attendance in the primary and middle schools has been lower than usual; however high school attendance has been good. The final youth Mass of 2019 will be on December 22nd followed by the trimming of the parish Christmas Tree and a luncheon.
Altar Society Sue Koehler informed council members that the recent Book & Bake Sale netted $450.00. On Saturday, December 7th, the Annual Cookie Stroll will take place. There will also be a Christmas Decoration Sale that day. Sue stated that the cookie sale is one of their largest fund raisers, raising $3,000-$4,000 each year.
Cathedral School Jon Shama noted a bake sale is planned for December 12th in conjunction with the school’s Christmas Concerts. Concert times are: 10 AM – PreK; 1:00 PM for grades K-5 in the gymnasium. On December 13th the Middle School students will perform at 6 PM in the Cathedral church.
Stewardship Michael Woods distributed copies of the minutes from the November 4th meeting. Some goals of the committee are evangelizing our youth, building a stronger volunteer base, adult evangelization and to promote the Extreme Faith Camp.
Evangelization Fr. Jim discussed with the council a need to advertise in local newspapers our Christmas/Easter Mass times. Council agreed this can be done through FaceBook, our website and other sites frequented by the public and our parishioners.
Liturgy Fr. Jim stated Masses are planned through January. The fall décor has been removed from the sanctuary and replaced with the Advent Wreath. Fr. Jim expressed his gratitude to all who continue to decorate our church so beautifully for the seasons. Rachael, our choir director, is hoping to secure some musicians for the Christmas Masses.
Social Action Arlene Osterlund reported that there were 10 Thanksgiving Baskets distributed – each containing non-perishables along with a gift card from Super One to purchase turkeys, etc. There will be 12-14 Christmas Baskets distributed on December 20th.
Education Ernie stated the committee met on November 26th and discussed upcoming events. There was also discussion about the Confirmation students earning their service hours. The Confirmation Retreat is scheduled for February 22nd and the Enrollment Ceremony for our confirmands will be March 1st.
Building Committee Jon Shamla has completed the process with the Public Works Department of Superior and the Superior City Council in securing permission to install handicap parking signs on the 4th Street side of the church near the parish hall entrance. He offered special thanks to Angie Harker and Jack Sweeney for the help in this matter. Fr. Jim stated that there are repairs needed on our large boiler as well as a need for a new small boiler which heats the office area.
The Parish Pastoral Council will meet on January 21, 2020 at 4:30 PM in the Garden Room.
Meeting closed at 5:50 PM with recitation of the Hail Mary.
Respectfully Submitted:
Mary Margaret Sitek