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Bulletins & Minutes



Members Present: Fr. Jim, Shannon Ilenda, Pete Raboin, Jon Shamla and Michael Woods.

Absent (Excused): Lorie Frink & Arlene Osterlund

Others Present: Sue Koehler & Mary Margaret Sitek

Fr. Jim shared the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 13.

The agenda was approved as written.

The Parish Mission Statement was read by Pete Raboin.

Old Business:

a. Christmas Season

Fr. Jim, as well as council members agreed it was a beautiful season. Fr. Jim opened a discussion regarding the changing of the Midnight Mass to 10 PM. This past year there were 50-55 present at Midnight Mass. A few parishioners were asked what their preference would be and most felt it should stay as is. Fr. Jim stated he has not yet made a decision but may try it at 10 PM for one year.

b. “A Healthy Parish” / Survey/New Springtime Revisited

Fr. Jim stated that there will be deanery meetings in late spring. However, he does not know if our parish will host one as we have done in the past.

CSA Update 2019/2020

Fr. Jim informed the council that this year’s goal is $51,346. Thus far we have payments/pledges totaling approximately $37,000. Steve Tarnowski will send reminders to those who have pledged during Lent.

New Business:

a. Pre-Lenten Mardi Gras

Plans are being made to have a Mardi Gras Pizza Party on Saturday, February 22nd, following the 4:00 Mass. This will be the Saturday before Ash Wednesday which is February 26th. Further information will be included in the weekly bulletin.

Lenten Schedule

A Lenten Calendar will be printed for the weekend of February 22-23 which will include Scripture Readings as well as all of the activities here in the parish.

Committee Reports:

Religious Education Fr. Jim reported the next youth mass is this Sunday, January 26th. Our volunteer catechists will be honored during mass. Upcoming events include the Confirmation Retreat, recognition of our First Communion candidates and Grandparents’ Day Breakfast.

Altar Society Sue Koehler reported the group recently gave $2,000 to the parish to use toward heating costs. She stated the Annual Salad Bar Luncheon is planned for Saturday, February 8th. The afternoon includes the annual raffle drawing as well as other prizes. We will host the Annual Priest Assembly March 29-31 and the “This N That” Sale is scheduled for May 15-16.

Cathedral School Jon Shama distributed a flyer for Catholic Schools Week in the Diocese of Superior. Jon noted that there is a need for help with the hot lunch program. He said anyone interested should contact the school office.

Stewardship Michael Woods distributed copies of the minutes from the January 9th. Plans are being made for a Stewardship Fair in the spring as well as some youth activities. The next meeting of the committee will be January 30th.

Evangelization Fr. Jim discussed with the council a need to advertise in local newspapers our Easter Mass times. Council agreed this can be done through FaceBook, our website and other sites frequented by the public and our parishioners.

Liturgy Fr. Jim informed the council that Steve Tarnowski worked with Real Presence Radio in broadcasting the schedule for our Christmas Masses, which was very successful. Steve will also work with the station to promote our Lenten Season and Holy Week.

Social Action Fr. Jim announced that A-1 Movers held their annual food drive and donated a large amount of non-perishable food items for our food shelf. Special Thanks to A-1 and to Janet Walroos and Judy LeMieux, who sorted, shelved, bagged and organized our food shelf.

Education Fr. Jim said the committee is working on the Confirmation Retreat, dinner for the Confirmands and Grandparents’ Day.

Building Committee Jon Shamla has completed the process with the Public Works Department of Superior and the Superior City Council and handicap parking signs have been installed on the 4th Street side of the church. He noted, too, that the entire block will not need to follow the calendar parking rule. Jon continues to recruit members for this committee.

The Parish Pastoral Council will meet on March 10, 2020 at 4:30 PM in the Garden Room.

Meeting closed at 5:50 PM with recitation of the Glory Be.

Respectfully Submitted:

Mary Margaret Sitek

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8:00 AM - 3:30 PM



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