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Bulletins & Minutes

parish pastoral council minutes - january 8th, 2019


Members Present: Fr. Jim, Lorie Frink, Shannon Ilenda, Arlene Osterlund, Pete Raboin, Jon Shamla, Michael Woods

Others Present: Sue Koehler, Mary Margaret Sitek, Ernie Swartz

Fr. Jim shared a reading from I John, Chapter 4.

The agenda was approved as written.

No correspondence.

The Parish Mission Statement was read by Lorie Frink.

Old Business:

a. Elevator Committee Report:

Jon Shamla informed the council that the elevator/parish hall renovation has been completed. There will be signs posted for visitors directing them to the elevator and parish hall entrance. The final bill has come from ARI and there will be one more statement from Johnson/Wilson.

b. Catholic Services Appeal

Fr. Jim reported to the council that our goal this year is $51,480 and thus far there are pledges totaling $33,491. There is approximately $18,000 yet to be raised. It may be necessary to pay the balance due by June 30th from parish funds.

c. A “Healthy Parish”

Fr. Jim distributed copies of the results of the recent survey which includes both the parish and the religious education student survey. Michael Woods acknowledged and offered the council’s gratitude to Lesa Radtke who compiled the results in such an informative way. Council agreed there is a lot to read and should be discussed at upcoming council meetings. It was decided to print copies of a general overview of the survey as an attachment to the bulletin within the next two weeks. Michael Woods will print 50 colored copies of the survey results and place them in the gathering space of the church for those interested. If more copies are needed Michael will facilitate this.

d. Other

Lorie Frink asked that parishioners be reminded to use the sidewalks at the ramp entrance as the roads leading to the ramp entrance are very icy and hazardous. Fr. Jim will again announce it from the pulpit and it will also be noted in the bulletin.

New Business

a. Roast Beef Dinner

Fr. Jim informed the council that Lesa and Ray Radtke, who have chaired our annual roast beef dinner for more than 10 years, will be stepping aside and so there is a need for new leadership. Fr. stated he has already contacted several parishioners without any success. Fr. Jim asked council members to help to find someone to oversee the dinner. It does not have to be a married couple – could be two or three parishioners willing to serve as a team. Lesa and Ray have everything very well outlined and would be available for assistance if needed. Fr. Jim stated the dinner, which has taken place for over 40 years, is not meant as a fundraiser as much as a wonderful community builder. It was decided that council members will have suggestions for Fr. Jim by January 18th. Fr. Jim will make an appeal from the pulpit the weekend of January 19-20 should no chairs be found.

b. Winter Activities

Sue Koehler will plan a “Reception of Gratitude” in appreciation of the wonderful support for our elevator and renovation of the parish hall, for Sunday, January 27th from 2-4 PM in our parish hall. A light lunch will be served.

Committee Reports:

Religious Education

Ernie Swartz stated classes have resumed following the holiday recess. The next youth Mass will be Sunday, January 27th at 10:30 AM. This will also be the day we honor our volunteer catechists. A City-Wide Confirmation Retreat will be held on February 2nd for all 10th and 11th graders. Sister Lisa, from the College of St. Scholastica, will conduct the retreat along with some of her students.

Altar Society Report

Sue Koehler reported the Annual Cookie Stroll was a huge success netting a profit of over $4,000. The society will hold their Annual Salad Bar Luncheon on Saturday, February 9th beginning at noon. It was noted that the society donated $500 toward the replacement of the front entrance of the parish office and $1200 for a new snow blower.

Cathedral School

Jon Shamla told the council a Middle-School Information night is planned for February 28th at the school. Enrollment this year in grades K-8 is 117.


Fr. Jim stated the parish is encouraging those who are not registered with the parish should consider doing so. There are many people who come to our liturgies but are not registered. A suggestion to register will be placed in upcoming bulletins.


Masses are planned through February. Fr. Jim expressed his gratitude on behalf of the council and our entire congregation to the liturgy committee for the beautiful Christmas settings in honor of the Birth of Our Savior.

Social Action

Arlene reported the food shelf continues to be used by 2-3 families per week. There were 11 families helped during the Christmas Season with food baskets, grocery gift cards and gifts for the family. Recently John and Cris Nye, owners of A-1 Movers, donated over 1000# of food to our food shelf. Janet Walroos keeps our food shelf well organized and we appreciate her efforts.


Ernie stated a meeting is scheduled for Thursday, January 17th at which time the committee will discuss the recent student survey. The Tuesday morning Bible Study has resumed and is studying the Gospel of Matthew. Parishioners are always welcome at 9:30 AM in the Garden Room.

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 5, 2019 at 4:30 PM in the Garden Room.

Fr. Jim led the council in praying the Our Father.

The meeting adjourned at 5:45 PM.

Respectfully Submitted


­Mary Margaret Sitek

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