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Bulletins & Minutes

parish pastoral council minutes - june 11th, 2019


Members Present:

Fr. Jim, Shannon Ilenda, Arlene Osterlund, Pete Raboin, Jon Shamla and Michael Woods.

Others Present:

Dan Blank, Sue Koehler, Mary Margaret Sitek, Steve Tarnowski.

Council prayed “The Commissioning of the Disciples” from Matthew 28.

The agenda was approved as written. No correspondence.

The Parish Mission Statement was read by Arlene Osterlund.

Old Business:

a. New Springtime and Stewardship

Steve Tarnowski and Dan Blank spoke to the council regarding stewardship – “Stewardship is an expression of discipleship, with the power to change how we understand and live out our lives.” Discussion took place and all agreed to the following facts:

1) We need to bring people back to church. They have not lost their faith but have lost their connection to the church.

2) We have what we need – we just need to use it. There is a need to begin engaging in bringing people back to church.

Steve and Dan distributed several handouts as aids in promoting stewardship.

A “Stewardship Fair” was suggested and council members felt it would be a good start. Michael Woods, Shannon Ilenda and Steve Tarnowski will coordinate this event in the fall, possibly October. Michael and Shannon volunteered to help form a Stewardship Committee in the parish.

b. “A Healthy Parish” / Survey

Fr. Jim asked council members at the last meeting to each pick a goal for the parish from the results of the parish survey. The goals council selected are:

More involvement of our children, more ministry volunteers, more social activities, opportunities for all ages, create new events, modernize Mass music (contemporary) for perhaps one Mass a month and finally presenting a more welcome attitude by our actions.

Discussion will continue on these goals at future meetings.

c. CSA Update

Fr. Jim reported that if all pledges are paid we will have a $2,000 surplus. The new CSA Campaign begins in September.

New Business:

a. Summer Activities

This summer the parish has many upcoming events. We have a Father’s Day Breakfast on Sunday, June 16th, several weddings, Ice Cream Social (August 17), St. Francis All School Reunion (August 3) and on Sunday, July 7th Bishop Powers will be here to celebrate both Masses with us.

Committee Reports:

a. Religious Education – no report.

b. Altar Society –Sue Koehler, society president, reported that the annual “This n’ That” Sale netted $2,157.06. The group will begin their fall season on September 7th.

Cathedral School – Jon Shamla reported there are six openings for staff members for the new school year. Applications are being accepted.

Evangelization – no report.

Liturgy – Masses are planned through the month of July.

Social Action – Arlene Osterlund reported the food shelf continues to be very active. The food pantry had an overabundance of canned/bottled non-perishable food items which were donated to Faith United Methodist Church. Since these items are dated they needed to be distributed before expiration.

Education – no report.

Building Committee - Jon Shamla is in the process of forming this committee. He will contact Jack Sweeney, city councilor, to request handicapped parking signs for the 4th Street side of the church.

The Parish Pastoral Council will meet on Tuesday, August 27, 2019 at 4:30 PM in the Garden Room.

Meeting closed at 5:45 PM with prayer The Glory Be.

Respectfully Submitted:

Mary Margaret Sitek

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