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Bulletins & Minutes

Parish Pastoral Council Minutes - October 27th, 2020

Members Present: Fr. Jim, Lorie Frink, Arlene Osterlund, Pete Raboin,

Jon Shamla and Michael Woods.

Members Absent (Excused): Shannon Ilenda.

Others Present: Sue Koehler, Mary Margaret Sitek & Ernie Swartz.

Fr. Jim led the council in an opening prayer.

The agenda was approved as written.

The Parish Mission Statement was read by Arlene Osterlund.

Correspondence: None

Covid Discussion: A brief discussion took place. Council members agreed our parish is following all CDC guidelines. Michael feels it is important that we continue reminding parishioners in the bulletin of celebration of Masses in the parish as well as other vital information. Fr Jim stated the important thing is to offer Mass and reception of the sacraments.

Old Business

a. “A Healthy Parish”/A New Springtime Revisited

Fr. Jim stated that there is no action on the diocesan level in reference to the “New Springtime.”

b. CSA Update 2019-20 and 2020/21

Fr. Jim distributed copies of the current status of our CSA Pledges. We currently have payment and pledges amounting to approximately 1/3 of our goal. Council members agreed the video presented to the parish in September was very well done.

c. Stewardship Fair

Michael reported that the Stewardship Fair is currently on hold until early fall.

New Business

a. Personnel Update:

Fr. Jim informed the council that Scott Myers, our Maintenance Supervisor will be retiring October 30, 2020. Fr. Jim has hired Ernie Harker as our new Maintenance Supervisor. Ernie is currently working with Scott for one week.

b. Fall Planning:

The Altar Society is hosting a “Trunk or Treat” event on Friday, October 30th from 5:00 until 6:30 PM in the 5th Street Parking Lot of the parish. There will be 20 cars distributing treats. Those attending are asked to wear masks and gloves. A discussion was held concerning all of the fall activities we cannot have due to the coronavirus. One thing Fr. Jim said will be missed is the distribution of bread at the Mass on Thanksgiving Day. He asked Arlene to do some checking on the possibility of being able to plan for a way to do this.

c. Advent/Christmas Planning

As with the rest of our usual activities there will not be an Advent Retreat this year. Bishop Powers has given permission for an early Christmas Eve Mass. At St. Francis the schedule will be: Christmas Eve Masses will be at 3 and 5 PM. There will not be a live nativity this year. Christmas Day Masses will be at 9 and 10:30 AM. There will not be a midnight Mass. The New Year Mass Schedule will be at 4 PM on New Year’s Eve and 10:30 AM on New Year’s Day. A discussion was held concerning the possibility of a large crowd at the Christmas Eve Masses. Jon Shamla suggested perhaps we could televise the Mass in the parish hall. Fr. Jim will speak with Steve Tarnowski for his suggestions.

Committee Reports

Religious Education

Ernie Swartz reported that registrations are at about 50% a due to the virus. The staff as well as the students are following CDC guidelines by wearing masks, using hand sanitizer and observing social distancing. All youth Masses and extra-curricular activities are cancelled. There are still openings for three teachers.

Altar Society

Sue Koehler, Altar Society President, announced there will not be a Mitten Tree Party, Cookie Stroll or Salad Bar Luncheon, however there will be the annual raffle. Tickets will be mailed to all registered parishioners. The ladies are hoping to have the “This N That” Sale in May. Recently, a “No-Bake Sale” was held. A total of $1,970 was received. Sue thanked all of the parishioners who so generously donated.

Cathedral School

Jon Shamla reported that enrollment is slightly lower. He also informed the council that the entire middle school (grades 6-8) is learning virtually due to a positive case in one of the grades. The “Wish Upon a Star” Dinner Auction and the Script Program will all be done virtually.


Michael Woods, chairman of the committee, briefly discussed the copies of the minutes which were distributed to council members. Bulletin announcements will continue concerning the committee’s parish survey.


Masses are planned through January. Council members were very pleased with the fall decorations in the church. Fr. Jim stated the church will again have the large Advent Wreath as well as all of the other Christmas decorations. There will not be a parish tree trimming or luncheon.

Social Action

Arlene reported the food shelf continues to serve 5-7 families per week. Currently we are preparing five Thanksgiving Baskets and would be able to accommodate up to twelve families. Christmas Baskets this year may be just food and gift cards.


Ernie reported the committee met and discussion took place regarding safety of our students.

Building Committee

Jon distributed copies of information on the role of The Building and Grounds Committee. More information will be provided in upcoming meetings.

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 12, 2021 at 4:30 PM.

The meeting closed at 6:05 PM with recitation of the Hail Mary.

Respectfully Submitted

Mary Margaret Sitek

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