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Bulletins & Minutes

parish pastoral council minutes - october 30th, 2018


Members Present: Fr. Jim, Lorie Frink, Arlene Osterlund, Pete Raboin, Jon Shamla,

Michael Woods

Members Absent: Shannon Ilenda


Others Present: Mary Margaret Sitek, Ernie Swartz

Fr. Jim and council members shared A Prayer for Our Church.

The agenda was approved as written.

The Parish Mission Statement was read by Pete Raboin.

Correspondence: Fr. Jim and Jon Shamla, Parish Trustee, briefly discussed a workshop they attended along with Larry McDonald, Trustee and Rick Davern, Parish Accountant. The workshop, conducted by the new finance director for our diocese Larry French, focused on safety measures which will be initiated into each parish throughout the diocese. These practices include new bank bags for depositing the collection each week and the use of a receipt book for any transactions that take place in the parish office.

Old Business:

a. Religious Education Renewal

Ernie Swartz informed the council that the committee will be meeting this Thursday, November 1st. Adult Formation continues on Tuesday mornings. Sister Pauline Micke from the College of St. Scholastica will be our featured speaker at the Advent Retreat. A Confirmation Retreat will take place in February.

b. Elevator Committee Report/”Raise Us Up” Update

Jon Shamla stated the inspection of the elevator is scheduled for Monday, November 5th. Following the inspection of the elevator as well as the new restrooms all will be usable.

c. Catholic Services Appeal

Fr. Jim reported to the council that our goal this year is $51,480 which is less than last year’s goal. The campaign is on-going and to date we have received $19,000 in pledges.

d. A “Healthy Parish”

Fr. Jim and the council are confident that when our elevator project is complete many more parishioners will be able to attend Mass and parish functions. Arlene Osterlund stated that she will be making and filling activity bags for the small children who attend Mass.

New Business

a. Parish Survey Update

It was noted that over 200 surveys were returned to the parish office. Lesa Radtke, a member of the education committee, will begin tallying the results and a report will be given to the parish council at the next meeting.

b. Construction Update

Fr. Jim stated that the 9 new windows have been installed on the 4th Street side of the church. Plans are being made to replace the porch at the office entrance. The current entrance porch is a safety hazard and will be replaced by Johnson-Wilson.

c. Seasonal Events

The Sacrament of Anointing will take place the weekend of November 10-11 following all Masses. The Volunteer Appreciation Mass and Dinner will be on Tuesday, November 13th beginning with Mass at 5:30 PM. An Advent Retreat is planned for Sunday, December 9th beginning at 5:30 PM with prayer. The Altar Society will provide a light supper. The Annual Cookie Stroll is planned for December 8th and the Christmas Tree Trimming and Luncheon will be December 23rd.

d. Other:

Lorie Frink expressed concern over parishioners using the roadways up the ramp rather than the sidewalks. It is a safety issue, most especially as the winter months approach. Fr. Jim stated he will ask the congregation to use the sidewalks when he speaks to the parishioners about the new handicap entrances.

Committee Reports:

Religious Education

Ernie Swartz informed the council that classes have begun. Our numbers are down somewhat so he will be contacting those families who have yet to register. The first youth Mass was held recently and was fairly well attended. The high school students are conducting the annual East End Food Drive on Sunday, November 4th.

Altar Society Report

Arlene Osterlund presented the report which included a profit of $517.75 on the recent Book and Bake Sale. A brief meeting will take place on December 6th followed by the Annual Pot Luck/Mitten Tree Party. Mittens, etc will be donated to St. Vincent DePaul. The annual Cookie Stroll will take place on Saturday, December 8th from 9 AM – 1 PM. Parishioners are asked to help make this event another great success.

Cathedral School

Jon Shamla told the council there is an opening for a 4th grade teacher. Vision screening and Standardized Testing have taken place. A grant was given to the school to purchase radios which will be programmed to help with any safety procedures which will take effect.


Fr. Jim asked for the council’s input on the placement of ads for the holiday Mass Schedules. After a brief discussion councilors felt in general that the ads were ineffective. Fr. Jim noted that he appreciates their assistance in reviewing the decision.


Fr. Jim thanked the Liturgy Committee for the beautiful fall decorations in the church. He stated that December 8th is a Holy Day of Obligation – the Immaculate Conception – and he will offer Mass on Friday, December 7th at 5:00 PM as a Mass of anticipation. The Saturday Mass will be at the usual 4:00 time.

Social Action

Arlene reported that the food shelf continues to assist many families each week. The committee will again prepare Thanksgiving Baskets. It was noted that there will be just 8 Christmas Baskets this year due to the small class sizes making it necessary to combine grades for each basket. Fr. Jim suggested placing an announcement in the bulletin asking if anyone in the parish is interested in sponsoring a family.

The item “A Healthy Parish” will again be placed on the next meeting agenda.

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 8, 2019 at 4:30 PM in the Garden Room.

Fr. Jim led the council in praying the Hail Mary.

The meeting adjourned at 6:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted


­Mary Margaret Sitek

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