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Bulletins & Minutes

Parish Pastoral Council – October 24th, 2023

Members Present: Fr. Jim, Lorie Frink, Judy LeMieux, Arlene Osterlund, Ray Radtke,

Jon Shamla, Michael Woods

Others Present: Mary Margaret Sitek

Fr. Jim read Matthew’s Gospel for this Sunday which talked about loving God and neighbor.

The Parish Mission Statement was read by Ray Radtke.

The agenda was approved as written.

Old Business

a. Defibrillator:

Judy reported that the defibrillator has arrived. She spoke with a fireman and requested a meeting with Fr. Jim, councilors and possibly a few others. Members selected two dates for the informational meeting with a fireman. Judy will contact them and suggest either November 14 or November 16.

b. Appreciation Dinner:

Fr. Jim stated we currently have 75 reservations. We normally have 80-100 so Fr. Jim is hoping by November 1st we reach that number.

c. Evangelization/Discipleship:

Michael Woods is hoping to have a gathering on Sunday, December10th from 1-3 PM. The group will address the Bishop’s Pastoral Letter. It was also suggested that we review the survey from a few years ago to tie in with more involvement with the parishioners.

d. Parish Pictorial Directory:

Sue Koehler informed Fr. Jim that we have 80 appointments for pictures thus far. Fr. Jim asked council members to promote this very important event in our parish.

e. Catholic Services Appeal: Our assessment this year is $64,000. Thus far we have approximately $27,000 in payments and pledges. Fr. Jim stated that Steve Tarnowski will be sending out reminders during Advent to those who have yet to respond.

New Business

a. Grant / City of Superior:

Fr. Jim informed the council that the city of Superior is seeking interested non-profit organizations and historical buildings to apply. Steve Tarnowski, Jon Shamla, and Ernie Harker met to decide what an important need is in our parish. It was decided that a new bell system at a cost of approximately $30,000 should be what we apply for. Steve Tarnowski completed the forms for the Grant Application and he delivered them today to the mayor’s office.

Committee Reports

a. Religious Education Report:

b. The classes are progressing nicely. Fr. Jim indicated that there are 7-8 families whose children need reception of some sacraments. The Sacrament of First Penance is planned for Saturday, December 9th at 10:30 AM. Fr. Jim will be meeting with the parents in November. We will again offer the Giving Tree for parishioner to donate gifts for needy families in our parish.

c. Altar Society:

Arlene Osterlund reported that the “Meet & Greet” held recently was well attended. As a result of this event, 4 new members attended the October meeting. The Cookie Stroll is scheduled for December 9th. There are two new members who agreed to serve as the Annual Raffle and a member who has agreed to be the Sunshine representative.

d. Cathedral School:

Jon Shamla informed the council that the annual Dinner Auction is scheduled for October 28th. There is still no hot lunch program or a band class. There are plans to purchase some new textbooks.

e. Liturgy:

Fr. Jim indicated that Masses are planned through the month of December. Tree Trimming will take place on Sunday, December 17th with the decorating of the sanctuary area to take place throughout that week. Fr. Jim stated that the choir is sounding beautiful and at times there as many as 20 singers!

f. Social Action:

Judy LeMieux reported that the 2nd graders at Cathedral School conducted a food drive and on October 17th Ernie picked up a large amount of food for our food shelf.

g. Building Committee:

Jon Shamla stated they have not met recently, however a project they are hoping to work on is a railing leading to the pulpit.

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 9, 2024 at 4:30 in the Garden Room.

Fr. Jim led the group in praying the Hail Mary.

The meeting closed at 5:45 PM.

Respectfully Submitted

Mary Margaret Sitek

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