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Bulletins & Minutes

Parish Pastoral Council – September 6, 2022

Members Present: Fr. Jim, Lorie Frink, Judy LeMieux, Arlene Osterlund, Ray Radtke,

Jon Shamla, & Michael Woods.

Others Present: Sue Koehler & Mary Margaret Sitek

Fr. Jim led the group in praying the Psalm 149. The Parish Mission Statement was read by Arlene Osterlund

The agenda was approved as written.

Old Business

a. Catholic Services Appeal:

The new CSA Campaign will begin here in our parish the weekend of September 17-18. Our new assessment for the 2022-2023 year is $60,490.00. Fr. Jim has asked the diocesan finance director to review our figures. Steve Tarnowski is facilitating the video presentation for our parish.

b. Pictorial Directory:

Sue Koehler stated dates for the pictures to be taken is November 15-19. Flyers with information will be sent to parishioners with their bulletin. Parishioners can register on-line or can sign up following Masses beginning October 2nd. Fr. Jim suggested a drawing for a $100 gift card. Everyone who registers to have a picture taken will have the opportunity to enter.

c. Cemetery:

Fr. Jim indicated to council members that a peaceful resolution has been completed in the transfer of land to the Native Tribe. A walking path has been created from the street to the burial grounds.

d. Fall Picnic:

Fr. Jim informed the council that Ernie Harker will once again be our chef for the picnic to be held on Sunday, October 9th, following 10:30 Mass. There will be brats, hamburgers, hotdogs, chips, pop, and water provided by the parish. Those attending are asked to bring a dish to pass and it should be brought to the church by 11:15 AM. There will be a “Pumpkin Patch” Hunt for the children as well as Bingo in the Garden Room. It was also suggested that Michael Woods would bring his large popcorn machine to provide popcorn for those in attendance. Arlene stated that she has 9 women from the Altar Society who will serve the food. There is still a need for help with clean-up.

e. Other:

Fr. Hery, a Xaverian Missionary, was welcomed to our parish the weekend of August 20-21. He was very well received by our parishioners. The second collection for the Xaverian Missions was $2,500.00.

New Business

a. Update on Religious Education:

b. Fr. Jim reported that Donna Stubbe has agreed to serve as Coordinator of Religious Education for Grades K-5. Classes will be held on Sunday mornings from 9:15 – 10:15 beginning October 2nd. Grades 6-11 will be joining the Cathedral Cluster. Classes begin September 21st.

c. Fall Activities:

Upcoming events include: All Saints Day, November 1st, Mass at 5 PM; Trunk of Treat, October 29th; Appreciation Dinner, November 8th beginning with Mass at 5 PM.

d. Welcome Table:

Fr. Jim suggested to the council that we begin the “Welcome” Weekends in October. Jon will call Shannon Ilenda to see if she will assist again. Michael Woods, Arlene Osterlund and Judy LeMieux volunteered to help as well. There will also be a registration table for the pictorial directory. A discussion also took place about beginning “Donut Sundays” again.

Committee Reports

Altar Society: Arlene Osterlund stated the “This N’ That” sale is scheduled for September 9-10. There are plans for the Cookie Stroll and the Salad Bar Luncheon. The group has approximately $2,000.00 in their bank accounts.

Cathedral School: Jon Shamla informed the council that the enrollment for the 2022-23 school year is 147 in Grades K-8. There is still a need for a Social Studies teacher and lunch room aides. Band will not be offered this year since there is no teacher. The Dinner Auction planning begins September 29th and the event is set for October 29th.

Liturgy: Fr. Jim noted all liturgies are planned through the month of November. Rachel Inselman will begin with the choir on Sunday, September 25th. Rehearsals are held on Sundays at 10 AM and the choir leads the singing at the 10:30 Mass each Sunday. Rachel has agreed to play at Mass for the Appreciation Dinner. Fr. Jim indicated that the fall décor will soon be in church.

Social Action: Judy LeMieux reported she and Nancy Lund shopped to restock needed items for the food shelf. They will use donations/gift cards to shop again for items for the Thanksgiving Baskets.

Building Committee: Jon Shamla noted the committee will meet on Tuesday, September 27th and will do an in-house walk-through to monitor needs. Fr. Jim stated that the repair of the front steps will begin later this month. A fund-raising campaign, “Stairs to the Stars” will begin in October.

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 25th, 2022 at 4:30 in the Garden Room.

Fr. Jim led the group in praying the Hail Mary in honor of Mother Mary’s Birthday.

The meeting closed at 5:45 PM.

Respectfully Submitted

Mary Margaret Sitek

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