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Bulletins & Minutes


Members Present: Fr. Jim, Lorie Frink, Arlene Osterlund, Jon Shamla,

Michael Woods,

Members Absent(Excused) Shannon Ilenda, Pete Raboin

Others Present: Eual/Kay Moore, Mary Margaret Sitek, Ernie Swartz

Fr. Jim shared Psalm 25.

The agenda was approved as written.

The Parish Mission Statement was read by Michael Woods.

No correspondence.

Old Business:

a. Catholic Services Appeal

Fr. Jim provided council members with an update stating the Catholic Services Appeal continues with $954.00 remaining to raise.

b. Elevator Committee Report

Jon Shamla informed council that the finance and parish councils, along with the elevator committee, will meet soon to review final drawings from the architect. He also stated that the report from Twin Ports Testing indicated just a few minor problems.

c. “Raise Us Up” Update

Fr. Jim reported to the council that as of today we have received $375,336 in pledges which represents 83% of our goal. This amount is from 207 families which is 35% of our parish families. All council members agreed that the feedback from the congregation is very positive.

New Business:

a. Holy Week/Easter Events

Fr. Jim noted that the ministry schedules for Holy Week will be mailed to participants on March 12th. He stated there are no RCIA candidates this year, however, there will still be a reception following the Easter Vigil. All Holy Week music is planned and all musicians are in place.

b. Roast Beef Dinner

Plans are well underway. Tickets have been mailed and the sign-up for volunteers has been placed in the gathering area of the church. Advertising is in place as well. There is still a need for many more desserts as well as many more volunteers. This is an all-parish event so Fr. Jim is hopeful that we will receive the number of volunteers/bakers needed. Lesa and Ray Radtke are chairpersons.

c. Other

Arlene Osterlund informed the council that she, Sue Koehler and Eric Nordrum are currently working on re-establishing our St. Francis Parish Website. She stated it will hopefully be up and running within the next 3-4 weeks. When completed there will be many informative items for viewing. The weekly bulletin will also be included on the site.

Committee Reports:

Religious Education

Ernie stated the First Communion and Confirmation candidates are busy preparing for reception of these sacraments. Attendance has been down however, he is hopeful it will increase when weather improves. First Communion is planned for April 29th and Confirmation will be held at the Cathedral this year on May 4th. A reception to honor both groups of these students will be held on Sunday, May 6th which is also our May Crowning.

Altar Society Report

Kay Moore, Altar Society President, reported that the Salad Bar was held in February and an income of $1,958 for the luncheon and $1,488 for the raffle. New officers will be elected in April with installation on May 1st. The group will again prepare and serve for the Priest Assembly scheduled for March 18, 19, and 20. The group will also be baking bread for Holy Thursday Liturgy.

Cathedral School

Jon Shamla informed the council Spring Break is planned for March 12-16. Volunteers are always needed at the school for a variety of activities. Parishioners are invited to call the school office for more information.


No report.


All Mass plans are completed through Holy Week. Flowers are ordered and the committee is currently in process of gathering Palm Plants.

Social Action

The food shelf continues to be busy serving 3-5 families weekly. The Knights of Columbus are collecting “Cans for Lent” with the hope of collecting 40 cans each for our food shelf.


Ernie Swartz says Bible Study continues on Tuesday evenings. An evening retreat at the College of St. Scholastica is planned for April 11th for our Confirmation candidates. On Sunday, April 22nd classes will celebrate Grandparents’ Day which will include a Pancake Breakfast.

The next meeting will be held on May 22, 2018 at 4:30 PM in the Garden Room.

Fr. Jim led the council in praying the Hail Mary.

The meeting adjourned at 5:30 PM.

Respectfully Submitted


­Mary Margaret Sitek

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